Martes, Pebrero 26, 2013



The Mansaka is the most prominent tribe that lives in dispersed settlements in the fertile valleys and hills of Compostella Valley Province whose economic and political life is largely guided by tribal elders known as Matikadong. The Baylan, or the village shamans perform rituals for the tribe, while the Bagani or tribal warriors protect the the rights and lives of the people.

Their traditional house, called the Uyaanan, is typically is a single-room structure built on top of a tree, elevated some twelve feet above ground supported by sturdy timber posts. The house is usually made of bamboo, while the roof is made of sasal or bamboo shingles. A single log carved with notches or foothold serves as ladder to the house.

Traditionally, the front of the house called, papaudan faces the morning sun. The house consists of the pilapil or their resting place, the tambi or the sleeping area, thepangabwanan where food is prepared and cooked, and the talaga where the kitchen utensils are stored.

The Uyaanan are usually clustered in kinship-based neighborhood within sight of each other and may contain up to three family units. The selection of the site and construction of the house are directed by the Mansaka elders. 

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